Gets the latest address
expand | string Default: "gender,age,user" Example: expand=gender,age,user Describes which properties should be expanded |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
{- "name": "Company",
- "address": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "userId": 1066,
- "user": {
- "discount": "-",
- "id": 1066,
- "firstName": "Jane",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "isCompany": true,
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502"
}, - "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "email": "",
- "isCompany": true,
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "age": "54",
- "gender": "male"
Creates an address.
orderId required | number Example: 1018 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
address required | string non-empty |
firstName required | string non-empty |
lastName required | string non-empty |
Array of objects | |
activeCard | any |
prefLanguage required | string non-empty |
country required | string |
postcode required | string non-empty |
city required | string non-empty |
phone required | string non-empty |
email required | string <email> non-empty |
isCompany required | boolean |
companyName | string |
companyOrgNo | string |
extraInfo | string |
age | string |
gender | string |
{- "address": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "firstName": "Jane",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "cards": [ ],
- "activeCard": null,
- "prefLanguage": "no",
- "country": "Norway",
- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "email": "",
- "isCompany": true,
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "age": "54",
- "gender": "male"
{- "success": true
Updates the address of an order.
addressId required | number Example: 17669 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
postcode | string non-empty |
city | string non-empty |
address | string non-empty |
phone | string non-empty |
string <email> non-empty | |
name | string non-empty |
extraInfo | string |
userId | number |
addressTypeId | number |
country | string |
companyName | string |
companyOrgNo | string |
isCompany | boolean |
orderId | number |
{- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "address": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "email": "",
- "name": "Company",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "userId": 1066,
- "addressTypeId": 5,
- "country": "Norway",
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "isCompany": true,
- "orderId": 1010
{- "changes": [ ],
- "customerInfo": {
- "orderDate": "2060-09-08",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "customerId": 1042,
- "address": {
- "id": 17669,
- "street": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "isCompany": true,
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "country": "Norway"
}, - "addressStr": "Brobekkveien 54, 0598, Oslo"
}, - "note": "Note",
- "deposit": 1000,
- "bookings": [ ],
- "activeDeposit": {
- "message": "There is no active deposit for the current order."
}, - "depositRefund": {
- "message": "There is no active payment for the current order."
}, - "depositRelease": {
- "message": "There is no active deposit for the current order."
}, - "bookingsMovements": [ ],
- "payments": [ ],
- "orderTags": [ ],
- "additionalItems": [ ],
- "accountingPaymentMethod": "1",
- "id": 1018,
- "reference": "NO39",
- "time": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "isChangeOrder": false,
- "paymentMethod": "Internal",
- "customer": "John Doe",
- "user": {
- "email": "",
- "creditRatingOk": "-",
- "creditRatingScore": "-",
- "creditRatingLog": "-",
- "creditRatingTimestamp": "-"
}, - "price": 649,
- "totalPrice": 649,
- "totalPriceExclVat": 519.2,
- "status": "booked",
- "startTime": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "endTime": "2060-09-09 11:00:00",
- "type": 1,
- "paymentStatus": "Unpaid",
- "vat": 129.8,
- "subtotals": {
- "vat": 0.25,
- "subtotal": 36,
- "vatAmount": 7.2
}, - "productAttributes": "[]"
Updates an address by id
addressId required | number Example: 17669 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
postcode | string non-empty |
city | string non-empty |
address | string non-empty |
phone | string non-empty |
string <email> non-empty | |
name | string non-empty |
extraInfo | string |
userId | number |
addressTypeId | number |
country | string |
companyName | string |
companyOrgNo | string |
isCompany | boolean |
orderId | number |
{- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "address": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "email": "",
- "name": "Company",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "userId": 1066,
- "addressTypeId": 5,
- "country": "Norway",
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "isCompany": true,
- "orderId": 1010
{- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "address": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "email": "",
- "name": "Company",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "userId": 1066,
- "addressTypeId": 5,
- "country": "Norway",
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "isCompany": true,
- "orderId": 1010
Returns a list of inventory items.
productId required | number Example: 1006 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
[- {
- "active": true,
- "addedDate": "2020-02-08 07:28:23",
- "balance": 1,
- "barcodeAssignedDate": "2022-09-21 18:02:06",
- "barcodeIdentifier": "TESTBARCODE",
- "inventoryItemId": 25,
- "isBulk": false,
- "locationId": 4,
- "locationName": "Avdeling 1",
- "note": "Note",
- "cost": 400,
- "service": {
- "serviceLog": [ ],
- "usageValue": 0
}, - "serviceStatus": "-",
- "ssgProviderId": 0,
- "ssgSerial1": "-",
- "ssgSerial2": "-",
- "supplierListPrice": 500,
- "supplierName": "NAME",
- "customInventoryId": "csdjncvn37934",
- "supplierProdName": "NAME",
- "productGroupId": 1008,
- "productStatusId": 1,
- "type": "Actual",
- "units": 1
Returns an inventory item by barcode.
barcode required | string non-empty Example: TESTBARCODE |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
{- "active": true,
- "addedDate": "2020-02-08 07:28:23",
- "balance": 1,
- "barcodeAssignedDate": "2022-09-21 18:02:06",
- "barcodeIdentifier": "TESTBARCODE",
- "inventoryItemId": 25,
- "isBulk": false,
- "locationId": 4,
- "locationName": "Avdeling 1",
- "note": "Note",
- "cost": 400,
- "service": {
- "serviceLog": [ ],
- "usageValue": 0
}, - "serviceStatus": "-",
- "ssgProviderId": 0,
- "ssgSerial1": "-",
- "ssgSerial2": "-",
- "supplierListPrice": 500,
- "supplierName": "NAME",
- "customInventoryId": "csdjncvn37934",
- "supplierProdName": "NAME",
- "productGroupId": 1008,
- "productStatusId": 1,
- "type": "Actual",
- "units": 1
Updates an inventory item.
inventoryItemId required | number Example: 25 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
active | boolean |
addedDate | string |
balance | number |
barcodeAssignedDate | string |
barcodeIdentifier | string |
isBulk | boolean |
locationId | number |
note | string |
cost | number |
object | |
ssgProviderId | number |
ssgSerial1 | string |
ssgSerial2 | string |
supplierListPrice | number |
supplierName | string |
customInventoryId | string |
supplierProdName | string |
productGroupId | number |
type | string Enum: "Actual" "Virtual" |
units | number |
{- "active": true,
- "addedDate": "2020-02-08 07:28:23",
- "balance": 1,
- "barcodeAssignedDate": "2022-09-21 18:02:06",
- "barcodeIdentifier": "TESTBARCODE",
- "isBulk": false,
- "locationId": 4,
- "note": "Note",
- "cost": 400,
- "service": {
- "serviceLog": [ ],
- "inventoryItemId": 25,
- "usageValue": 0
}, - "ssgProviderId": 0,
- "ssgSerial1": "-",
- "ssgSerial2": "-",
- "supplierListPrice": 500,
- "supplierName": "NAME",
- "customInventoryId": "csdjncvn37934",
- "supplierProdName": "NAME",
- "productGroupId": 1008,
- "type": "Actual",
- "units": 1
{- "active": true,
- "addedDate": "2020-02-08 07:28:23",
- "balance": 1,
- "barcodeAssignedDate": "2022-09-21 18:02:06",
- "barcodeIdentifier": "TESTBARCODE",
- "inventoryItemId": 25,
- "isBulk": false,
- "locationId": 4,
- "locationName": "Avdeling 1",
- "note": "Note",
- "cost": 400,
- "service": {
- "serviceLog": [ ],
- "usageValue": 0
}, - "serviceStatus": "-",
- "ssgProviderId": 0,
- "ssgSerial1": "-",
- "ssgSerial2": "-",
- "supplierListPrice": 500,
- "supplierName": "NAME",
- "customInventoryId": "csdjncvn37934",
- "supplierProdName": "NAME",
- "productGroupId": 1008,
- "productStatusId": 1,
- "type": "Actual",
- "units": 1
Logs in an admin user
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
email required | string <email> |
password required | string >= 8 characters |
{- "email": "",
- "password": "examplePass123"
{- "message": "Logged in successfully!",
- "token": "XXX.YYY.ZZZ",
- "success": true,
- "authorization": "Bearer XXX",
- "roles": [ ],
- "isToolerAdmin": false,
- "userInfo": {
- "id": 1063,
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "email": ""
Logs in an admin user with permissions to access the shop template editor.
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
email required | string <email> |
password required | string >= 8 characters |
{- "email": "",
- "password": "examplePass123"
{- "message": "Logged in successfully!",
- "token": "1"
Generates new admin jwt token.
cookie required | string Example: refreshToken=XXX; Domain=localhost; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
expiredToken required | string non-empty |
{- "expiredToken": "SCsCXqTjZDxGtQTxK3uxg7FmjuSwJNJ8"
{- "token": "1",
- "message": "1"
User logout
cookie | string Example: refreshToken=XXX; Domain=localhost; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
{- "success": true,
- "message": "Example message"
Returns a single order by id
orderId required | number Example: 1018 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
{- "changes": [ ],
- "customerInfo": {
- "orderDate": "2060-09-08",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "customerId": 1042,
- "address": {
- "id": 17669,
- "street": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "isCompany": true,
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "country": "Norway"
}, - "addressStr": "Brobekkveien 54, 0598, Oslo"
}, - "note": "Note",
- "deposit": 1000,
- "bookings": [ ],
- "activeDeposit": {
- "message": "There is no active deposit for the current order."
}, - "depositRefund": {
- "message": "There is no active payment for the current order."
}, - "depositRelease": {
- "message": "There is no active deposit for the current order."
}, - "bookingsMovements": [ ],
- "payments": [ ],
- "orderTags": [ ],
- "additionalItems": [ ],
- "accountingPaymentMethod": "1",
- "id": 1018,
- "reference": "NO39",
- "time": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "isChangeOrder": false,
- "paymentMethod": "Internal",
- "customer": "John Doe",
- "user": {
- "email": "",
- "creditRatingOk": "-",
- "creditRatingScore": "-",
- "creditRatingLog": "-",
- "creditRatingTimestamp": "-"
}, - "price": 649,
- "totalPrice": 649,
- "totalPriceExclVat": 519.2,
- "status": "booked",
- "startTime": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "endTime": "2060-09-09 11:00:00",
- "type": 1,
- "paymentStatus": "Unpaid",
- "vat": 129.8,
- "subtotals": {
- "vat": 0.25,
- "subtotal": 36,
- "vatAmount": 7.2
}, - "productAttributes": "[]"
Update order
orderId required | number Example: 1018 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
note | string |
paymentMethodId | number |
orderTypeId | number |
{- "note": "1",
- "paymentMethodId": 5,
- "orderTypeId": 5
{- "changes": [ ],
- "customerInfo": {
- "orderDate": "2060-09-08",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "customerId": 1042,
- "address": {
- "id": 17669,
- "street": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "isCompany": true,
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "country": "Norway"
}, - "addressStr": "Brobekkveien 54, 0598, Oslo"
}, - "note": "Note",
- "deposit": 1000,
- "bookings": [ ],
- "activeDeposit": {
- "message": "There is no active deposit for the current order."
}, - "depositRefund": {
- "message": "There is no active payment for the current order."
}, - "depositRelease": {
- "message": "There is no active deposit for the current order."
}, - "bookingsMovements": [ ],
- "payments": [ ],
- "orderTags": [ ],
- "additionalItems": [ ],
- "accountingPaymentMethod": "1",
- "id": 1018,
- "reference": "NO39",
- "time": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "isChangeOrder": false,
- "paymentMethod": "Internal",
- "customer": "John Doe",
- "user": {
- "email": "",
- "creditRatingOk": "-",
- "creditRatingScore": "-",
- "creditRatingLog": "-",
- "creditRatingTimestamp": "-"
}, - "price": 649,
- "totalPrice": 649,
- "totalPriceExclVat": 519.2,
- "status": "booked",
- "startTime": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "endTime": "2060-09-09 11:00:00",
- "type": 1,
- "paymentStatus": "Unpaid",
- "vat": 129.8,
- "subtotals": {
- "vat": 0.25,
- "subtotal": 36,
- "vatAmount": 7.2
}, - "productAttributes": "[]"
Returns a single order by reference
reference required | string non-empty Example: NO39 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
{- "changes": [ ],
- "customerInfo": {
- "orderDate": "2060-09-08",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "customerId": 1042,
- "address": {
- "id": 17669,
- "street": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "isCompany": true,
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "country": "Norway"
}, - "addressStr": "Brobekkveien 54, 0598, Oslo"
}, - "note": "Note",
- "deposit": 1000,
- "bookings": [ ],
- "activeDeposit": {
- "message": "There is no active deposit for the current order."
}, - "depositRefund": {
- "message": "There is no active payment for the current order."
}, - "depositRelease": {
- "message": "There is no active deposit for the current order."
}, - "bookingsMovements": [ ],
- "payments": [ ],
- "orderTags": [ ],
- "additionalItems": [ ],
- "id": 1018,
- "reference": "NO39",
- "time": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "isChangeOrder": false,
- "paymentMethod": "Internal",
- "customer": "John Doe",
- "user": {
- "email": "",
- "creditRatingOk": "-",
- "creditRatingScore": "-",
- "creditRatingLog": "-",
- "creditRatingTimestamp": "-"
}, - "price": 649,
- "totalPrice": 649,
- "totalPriceExclVat": 519.2,
- "status": "booked",
- "startTime": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "endTime": "2060-09-09 11:00:00",
- "type": 1,
- "paymentStatus": "Unpaid",
- "vat": 129.8,
- "subtotals": {
- "vat": 0.25,
- "subtotal": 36,
- "vatAmount": 7.2
}, - "productAttributes": "[]"
Returns a order list by time range.
required | string or string |
required | string or string |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
{- "startTime": "1",
- "endTime": "1",
- "products": "1",
- "userLongName": "1",
- "ds": "1",
- "id": 5,
- "bookTime": "1",
- "bookingReference": "1",
- "vat": "1",
- "note": "1",
- "orderStatusId": 5,
- "customerId": 5,
- "invoiceAddressId": 5,
- "search": "1",
- "paymentMethodId": 5,
- "isChangeOrder": false,
- "subtotals": "1",
- "orderTypeId": 5,
- "isDeleted": false,
- "productAttributes": "1",
- "paymentStatus": "1",
- "totalPriceExclVat": "1",
- "email": "1",
- "orderTagsFull": "1",
- "orderTags": "1",
- "orderTagIds": [ ],
- "paymentMethodName": "1",
- "userEmail": "1",
- "customer": "1",
- "price": "1",
- "reference": "1",
- "status": "1",
- "distribution": "1",
- "deliveryStatuses": [ ],
- "alerts": "1"
Create an order.
x-sharefox-shop-auth required | string Example: Bearer XXX Token for accessing the shop endpoints. Can be acquired from the /login endpoint. Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
customerId required | string |
startDate required | string |
endDate required | string |
startTimeId required | number |
endTimeId required | number |
locationId required | number |
products required | Array of any |
preserveCart | boolean |
{- "customerId": 1042,
- "startDate": "1",
- "endDate": "1",
- "startTimeId": 5,
- "endTimeId": 5,
- "locationId": 5,
- "products": [ ],
- "preserveCart": false
{- "orderId": 5,
- "message": "1",
- "reference": "NO39",
- "paymentMethod": "Internal",
- "customer": "John Doe",
- "totalPrice": 649,
- "totalPriceExclVat": 519.2,
- "vat": 129.8
Updates the status of an order.
orderId required | number Example: 1018 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
orderStatusId required | number |
forceParameter required | boolean |
{- "orderStatusId": 1,
- "forceParameter": false
{- "changeOrderStatusUpdate": [ ],
- "id": 1018,
- "reference": "NO39",
- "time": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "isChangeOrder": false,
- "paymentMethod": "Internal",
- "customer": "John Doe",
- "user": {
- "email": "",
- "creditRatingOk": "-",
- "creditRatingScore": "-",
- "creditRatingLog": "-",
- "creditRatingTimestamp": "-"
}, - "price": 649,
- "totalPrice": 649,
- "totalPriceExclVat": 519.2,
- "status": "booked",
- "startTime": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "endTime": "2060-09-09 11:00:00",
- "type": 1,
- "paymentStatus": "Unpaid",
- "vat": 129.8,
- "subtotals": {
- "vat": 0.25,
- "subtotal": 36,
- "vatAmount": 7.2
}, - "productAttributes": "[]"
Updates the address of an order.
addressId required | number Example: 17669 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
postcode | string non-empty |
city | string non-empty |
address | string non-empty |
phone | string non-empty |
string <email> non-empty | |
name | string non-empty |
extraInfo | string |
userId | number |
addressTypeId | number |
country | string |
companyName | string |
companyOrgNo | string |
isCompany | boolean |
orderId | number |
{- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "address": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "email": "",
- "name": "Company",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "userId": 1066,
- "addressTypeId": 5,
- "country": "Norway",
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "isCompany": true,
- "orderId": 1010
{- "changes": [ ],
- "customerInfo": {
- "orderDate": "2060-09-08",
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "customerId": 1042,
- "address": {
- "id": 17669,
- "street": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "isCompany": true,
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "country": "Norway"
}, - "addressStr": "Brobekkveien 54, 0598, Oslo"
}, - "note": "Note",
- "deposit": 1000,
- "bookings": [ ],
- "activeDeposit": {
- "message": "There is no active deposit for the current order."
}, - "depositRefund": {
- "message": "There is no active payment for the current order."
}, - "depositRelease": {
- "message": "There is no active deposit for the current order."
}, - "bookingsMovements": [ ],
- "payments": [ ],
- "orderTags": [ ],
- "additionalItems": [ ],
- "accountingPaymentMethod": "1",
- "id": 1018,
- "reference": "NO39",
- "time": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "isChangeOrder": false,
- "paymentMethod": "Internal",
- "customer": "John Doe",
- "user": {
- "email": "",
- "creditRatingOk": "-",
- "creditRatingScore": "-",
- "creditRatingLog": "-",
- "creditRatingTimestamp": "-"
}, - "price": 649,
- "totalPrice": 649,
- "totalPriceExclVat": 519.2,
- "status": "booked",
- "startTime": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "endTime": "2060-09-09 11:00:00",
- "type": 1,
- "paymentStatus": "Unpaid",
- "vat": 129.8,
- "subtotals": {
- "vat": 0.25,
- "subtotal": 36,
- "vatAmount": 7.2
}, - "productAttributes": "[]"
Returns a list of order statuses.
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
[- {
- "id": 5,
- "name": "1"
Creates a payment.
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
amount required | number |
currency required | string |
orderId required | number |
userId required | number |
{- "amount": 2096,
- "currency": "NOK",
- "orderId": 1018,
- "userId": 1066
{- "id": 188,
- "initiationTime": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "outputStatus": "accepted",
- "paymentProviderId": 0,
- "paymentStatusId": 2,
- "paymentTypeId": 11,
- "transactionId": "023f000062dfb2f8ea4ded644c2c39cd",
- "amount": 2096,
- "currency": "NOK",
- "orderId": 1018,
- "userId": 1066
Marks a payment as paid.
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
orderId required | number |
userId required | number |
paymentProviderId | number |
{- "orderId": 1018,
- "userId": 1066,
- "paymentProviderId": 5
{- "id": 188,
- "initiationTime": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "outputStatus": "accepted",
- "paymentProviderId": 0,
- "paymentStatusId": 2,
- "paymentTypeId": 11,
- "transactionId": "023f000062dfb2f8ea4ded644c2c39cd",
- "amount": 2096,
- "currency": "NOK",
- "orderId": 1018,
- "userId": 1066
Get report by id.
id required | number Example: 5 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
[- {
- "productName": 5,
- "locationName": "1",
- "region": 5,
- "totalActualActive": 5,
- "totalVirtualActive": 5,
- "totalActualInactive": 5,
- "totalVirtualInactive": 5
Get latests report that is published daily at 7 am, via our admin reports feature.
type required | string Enum: "inventoryStatusReport" "orderLineReportMonthly" "customerSalesReport" "customerPaymentReport" "inventoryCapacityReport" "orderLineReportMonthlyWithExtraUserInformation" "inventoryList" Example: type=1 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
[- {
- "productName": 5,
- "locationName": "1",
- "region": 5,
- "totalActualActive": 5,
- "totalVirtualActive": 5,
- "totalActualInactive": 5,
- "totalVirtualInactive": 5
Get list of reports that are available.
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
[- {
- "id": 5,
- "reportId": 5,
- "date": "1",
- "reportTypeId": 5,
- "name": "1",
- "visible": false,
- "fileName": "1"
Get list of report types
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
[- {
- "id": 5,
- "name": "1",
- "type": "1",
- "autoEnabled": false,
- "autoSqlCodeFile": "1",
- "autoRunDates": "1",
- "autoTimePeriod": "1",
- "autoTimePeriodCurrent": false,
- "autoSaveToReports": false,
- "autoSaveAsVisible": false,
- "autoSendToFtpEnabled": false,
- "ftpServer": "1",
- "ftpDirectory": "1",
- "resultTemplate": "1",
- "alwaysIncludeCurrentPeriod": false
Get report type by id for period as json
id required | number Example: 5 |
start required | string Example: start=2060-09-08 |
end required | string Example: end=2060-09-09 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
{- "paymentId": 5,
- "paymentMethod": "1",
- "receivedPayments": 5,
- "paymentInitiationTime": "1",
- "orderReference": "1",
- "orderId": 5,
- "userName": "1",
- "totalPriceForOrder": 5,
- "orderVat": 5,
- "transactionId": "1",
- "transactionStatus": "1"
Updates an address by id
addressId required | number Example: 17669 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
postcode | string non-empty |
city | string non-empty |
address | string non-empty |
phone | string non-empty |
string <email> non-empty | |
name | string non-empty |
extraInfo | string |
userId | number |
addressTypeId | number |
country | string |
companyName | string |
companyOrgNo | string |
isCompany | boolean |
orderId | number |
{- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "address": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "email": "",
- "name": "Company",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "userId": 1066,
- "addressTypeId": 5,
- "country": "Norway",
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "isCompany": true,
- "orderId": 1010
{- "postcode": "0598",
- "city": "Oslo",
- "address": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "phone": "+47 902 79 664",
- "email": "",
- "name": "Company",
- "extraInfo": "[\"extra\",\"info\"]",
- "userId": 1066,
- "addressTypeId": 5,
- "country": "Norway",
- "companyName": "Sharefox",
- "companyOrgNo": "817 404 502",
- "isCompany": true,
- "orderId": 1010
View the storefront template
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
{- "id": 1,
- "key": "Shop.Frontend.AppStructure",
- "timestampUpdated": "2022-09-21T18:02:06+02:00",
- "standardValue": "",
- "visibleOnFrontend": true,
- "use": "The structural JSON used in Shop 2.0. This should be edited by a skilled user and make sure it is always valid JSON",
- "standardKeyExists": true,
- "versions": [
- {
- "value": "",
- "visibleOnFrontend": true,
- "use": "The structural JSON used in Shop 2.0. This should be edited by a skilled user and make sure it is always valid JSON",
- "custom": true,
- "published": true,
- "timestamp": "2022-09-21T18:02:06+02:00",
- "user": "Username"
Update the storefront template
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
value | any |
custom required | boolean |
detail required | string |
published required | boolean |
use required | string |
visibleOnFrontend required | boolean |
{- "value": { },
- "custom": true,
- "detail": "Shop.Frontend.AppStructure",
- "published": false,
- "use": "The structural JSON used in Shop 2.0. This should be edited by a skilled user and make sure it is always valid JSON",
- "visibleOnFrontend": true
{- "value": { },
- "custom": true,
- "detail": "Shop.Frontend.AppStructure",
- "id": 2409,
- "published": false,
- "use": "The structural JSON used in Shop 2.0. This should be edited by a skilled user and make sure it is always valid JSON",
- "userId": 1001,
- "visibleOnFrontend": true
Get order tag types
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
{- "active": true,
- "createdAt": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2060-09-09 11:00:00",
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Tag 1"
Create order tag type
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
active required | boolean |
name required | string |
{- "active": false,
- "name": "1"
{- "active": true,
- "createdAt": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2060-09-09 11:00:00",
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Tag 1"
Update order tag type
id required | number Example: 1 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
active required | boolean |
name required | string |
{- "active": false,
- "name": "1"
{- "active": true,
- "createdAt": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2060-09-09 11:00:00",
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Tag 1"
Changes status of booking.
bookingId required | number Example: 1024 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
statusId required | number |
required | string or string |
{- "statusId": 1,
- "actionTime": "2060-09-08"
{- "bookingId": 1024,
- "statusId": 1,
- "statusName": "returned",
- "statusChangeTime": "22:54 <br> 22 August",
- "movementId": 171,
- "bookingHandoverId": 171,
- "message": "Booking status successfully changed!"
Add additional item to the order
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
description required | string |
pricePerUnit required | number |
orderId required | number |
type | string |
units required | number |
vatCode required | string |
vatRate required | number |
{- "description": "1",
- "pricePerUnit": 5,
- "orderId": 5,
- "type": "1",
- "units": 5,
- "vatCode": "1",
- "vatRate": 5
{- "id": 5,
- "additionalItemTypeId": 5,
- "description": "1",
- "endDatetime": "1",
- "startDatetime": "1",
- "initiateTime": "1",
- "orderId": 5,
- "price": 5,
- "pricePerUnit": 5,
- "units": 5,
- "vatCode": "1",
- "vatRate": 5,
- "vat": 5
Update additional item of the order
id required | number Example: 1 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
description required | string |
pricePerUnit required | number |
orderId required | number |
type | string |
units required | number |
vatCode required | string |
vatRate required | number |
{- "description": "1",
- "pricePerUnit": 5,
- "orderId": 5,
- "type": "1",
- "units": 5,
- "vatCode": "1",
- "vatRate": 5
{- "id": 5,
- "additionalItemTypeId": 5,
- "description": "1",
- "endDatetime": "1",
- "startDatetime": "1",
- "initiateTime": "1",
- "orderId": 5,
- "price": 5,
- "pricePerUnit": 5,
- "units": 5,
- "vatCode": "1",
- "vatRate": 5,
- "vat": 5
Remove additional item from the order
id required | number Example: 1 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
{- "success": true,
- "message": "Example message",
- "error": true
Set the site settings.
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
value required | string |
custom required | boolean |
detail required | string |
published required | boolean |
use required | string |
visibleOnFrontend required | boolean |
{- "value": { },
- "custom": true,
- "detail": "Shop.Frontend.AppStructure",
- "published": false,
- "use": "The structural JSON used in Shop 2.0. This should be edited by a skilled user and make sure it is always valid JSON",
- "visibleOnFrontend": true
{- "value": { },
- "custom": true,
- "detail": "Shop.Frontend.AppStructure",
- "id": 2409,
- "published": false,
- "use": "The structural JSON used in Shop 2.0. This should be edited by a skilled user and make sure it is always valid JSON",
- "userId": 1001,
- "visibleOnFrontend": true
Get a product.
productId required | number Example: 1006 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
{- "name": "Leieprodukt 2",
- "descriptionWeb": {
- "no": "<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\">Her har du plass til å beskrive produktet du skal leie ut. Tips? Skriv tydelig og få <br />frem produktegenskaper, evt. mål og tekniske beskrivelser. Unngå lange setninger og <br />prøv å holde deg sånn omtrent til tekstmengden du ser her nå. Og du – husk å slette våre kommentarer og den latinske tulleteksten. Den vil neppe få fart på utleieproduktene.</p>\\n<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Inmensae subtilitatis.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Nec dubitamus multa iter quae et nos invenerat. Fabio vel iudice vincam, sunt in culpa qui officia. Idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere.</p>\\n<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\"> </p>\\n<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\"> </p>"
}, - "active": false,
- "usageAreas": {
- "no": "<p>Skriv inn din tekst her. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Inmensae subtilitatis, obscuris et malesuada fames. Morbi fringilla convallis sapien, id pulvinar odio volutpat. Nihilne te nocturnum praesidium Palati, nihil urbis vigiliae.<br style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\" />Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Nec dubitamus multa iter quae et nos invenerat. Fabio vel iudice vincam, sunt in culpa qui officia. Idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere. Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? Mercedem aut nummos unde unde extricat, amaras.</p>"
}, - "summary": {
- "no": "<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\">Skriv inn din tekst her. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Inmensae subtilitatis, obscuris et malesuada fames. Morbi fringilla convallis sapien, id pulvinar odio volutpat. Nihilne te nocturnum praesidium Palati, nihil urbis vigiliae.<br style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\" />Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Nec dubitamus multa iter quae et nos invenerat. Fabio vel iudice vincam, sunt in culpa qui officia. Idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere. Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? Mercedem aut nummos unde unde extricat, amaras.</p>"
}, - "piecesPerPackage": 0,
- "price": 649,
- "priceExclVat": 519.2,
- "member": 649,
- "isMember": false,
- "perDay": true,
- "images": {
- "link": "/uploads1/tools/product_3.jpg",
- "heading": {
- "no": "Leieprodukt 2"
}, - "type": "recommendedAccessory",
- "salesProduct": false,
- "customListPrice": {
- "no": "500,- /per dag"
}, - "productAvailability": 1,
- "descriptionApp": {
- "no": "<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\">Please enter product SEO description here. A communi observantia non est recedendum. Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt.Cras mattis iudicium purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi fringilla convallis sapien, id pulvinar odio volutpat. Etiam habebis sem dicantur magna mollis euismod.</p>"
}, - "nameDefault": "1",
- "productCategories": "1",
- "titleTag": "1",
- "searchableTags": "1",
- "toolGroupTypeId": 5,
- "sortPopular": 5,
- "leadTimeNew": 5,
- "isDeleted": false,
- "hasVariants": false,
- "hasInventory": false,
- "hasFixedPeriod": false,
- "hasInventoryBulk": false,
- "displayInShop": false,
- "hasOpenEndedReturn": false,
- "productType": "1",
- "inventoryStockActive": 5,
- "fixedPeriod": 5,
- "leadBuffer": 5,
- "lagBuffer": 5,
- "productAttributes": "1",
- "externalId": "1",
- "multimedia": {
- "link": "/uploads1/tools/product_3.jpg",
- "heading": {
- "no": "Leieprodukt 2"
}, - "fileType": "jpg",
- "description": "{\"no\":\"-\"}",
- "displayOnWeb": true,
- "displayOrder": 1,
- "multimediaCategoryId": 1,
- "toolGroupId": 1006,
- "consumableGroupId": null,
- "taskId": null,
- "externalLink": null,
- "fileSize": null
}, - "categories": [ ],
- "id": 1006,
- "productGroup": {
- "price": 649,
- "priceExclVat": 519.2,
- "member": 649,
- "perDay": true,
- "isMember": false,
- "images": {
- "link": "/uploads1/tools/product_3.jpg",
- "heading": {
- "no": "Leieprodukt 2"
}, - "productCategories": [ ],
- "name": "Leieprodukt 2",
- "customListPrice": {
- "no": "500,- /per dag"
}, - "descriptionWeb": {
- "no": "<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\">Her har du plass til å beskrive produktet du skal leie ut. Tips? Skriv tydelig og få <br />frem produktegenskaper, evt. mål og tekniske beskrivelser. Unngå lange setninger og <br />prøv å holde deg sånn omtrent til tekstmengden du ser her nå. Og du – husk å slette våre kommentarer og den latinske tulleteksten. Den vil neppe få fart på utleieproduktene.</p>\\n<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Inmensae subtilitatis.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Nec dubitamus multa iter quae et nos invenerat. Fabio vel iudice vincam, sunt in culpa qui officia. Idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere.</p>\\n<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\"> </p>\\n<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\"> </p>"
}, - "descriptionApp": {
- "no": "<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\">Please enter product SEO description here. A communi observantia non est recedendum. Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt.Cras mattis iudicium purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi fringilla convallis sapien, id pulvinar odio volutpat. Etiam habebis sem dicantur magna mollis euismod.</p>"
}, - "usageAreas": {
- "no": "<p>Skriv inn din tekst her. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Inmensae subtilitatis, obscuris et malesuada fames. Morbi fringilla convallis sapien, id pulvinar odio volutpat. Nihilne te nocturnum praesidium Palati, nihil urbis vigiliae.<br style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\" />Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Nec dubitamus multa iter quae et nos invenerat. Fabio vel iudice vincam, sunt in culpa qui officia. Idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere. Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? Mercedem aut nummos unde unde extricat, amaras.</p>"
}, - "summary": {
- "no": "<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\">Skriv inn din tekst her. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Inmensae subtilitatis, obscuris et malesuada fames. Morbi fringilla convallis sapien, id pulvinar odio volutpat. Nihilne te nocturnum praesidium Palati, nihil urbis vigiliae.<br style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\" />Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Nec dubitamus multa iter quae et nos invenerat. Fabio vel iudice vincam, sunt in culpa qui officia. Idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere. Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? Mercedem aut nummos unde unde extricat, amaras.</p>"
}, - "titleTag": {
- "no": "title"
}, - "hasFixedPeriod": false,
- "hasOpenEndedReturn": false,
- "fixedPeriod": "-",
- "hasInventory": false,
- "hasInventoryBulk": false
}, - "channelGroups": [ ],
- "includedAccessories": [ ],
- "recommendedAccessories": [ ],
- "variants": [ ],
- "variantDimensions": [ ],
- "userPreferedLocation": {
- "locationGroupName": "-",
- "openingHours": "-",
- "channelId": 1,
- "channelGroupId": 1,
- "handoverUserTimeForPickup": [ ],
- "handoverUserTimeForReturn": [ ],
- "description": {
- "no": "<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\">Her har du plass til å beskrive produktet du skal leie ut. Tips? Skriv tydelig og få <br />frem produktegenskaper, evt. mål og tekniske beskrivelser. Unngå lange setninger og <br />prøv å holde deg sånn omtrent til tekstmengden du ser her nå. Og du – husk å slette våre kommentarer og den latinske tulleteksten. Den vil neppe få fart på utleieproduktene.</p>\\n<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Inmensae subtilitatis.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Nec dubitamus multa iter quae et nos invenerat. Fabio vel iudice vincam, sunt in culpa qui officia. Idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere.</p>\\n<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\"> </p>\\n<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\"> </p>"
}, - "id": 4,
- "name": "Avdeling 1",
- "address": "Brobekkveien 54",
- "lat": 59.910235,
- "lon": 10.810671
}, - "photosVideos": [ ],
- "locations": [ ],
- "retailPriceForDisplay": 5000,
- "displayRetailPrice": false,
- "slug": "leieprodukt-2",
- "customPricingScheme": "-",
- "subscriptionProduct": false,
- "subscriptionMonthlyPrice": 0,
- "subscriptionMonthlyPriceExclVat": 0,
- "productQuestionTemplateId": 1,
- "productQuestionEnable": false,
- "productQuestionTemplates": [ ]
Returns a single asset.
name required | string non-empty Example: template.json |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
Logs in a user through email
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
email required | string <email> |
password required | string >= 8 characters |
{- "email": "",
- "password": "examplePass123"
{- "token": "SCsCXqTjZDxGtQTxK3uxg7FmjuSwJNJ8",
- "refreshToken": "XXX"
Logs in a user as a guest
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
{- "token": "SCsCXqTjZDxGtQTxK3uxg7FmjuSwJNJ8",
- "refreshToken": "XXX"
Logs in a user through Google
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
photo | string |
source required | string non-empty |
sourceId required | string non-empty |
email required | string <email> |
firstName required | string non-empty |
lastName required | string non-empty |
{- "source": "google",
- "sourceId": "113464758144369823165",
- "email": "",
- "firstName": "Jane",
- "lastName": "Doe"
{- "token": "SCsCXqTjZDxGtQTxK3uxg7FmjuSwJNJ8",
- "refreshToken": "XXX"
Logs in a user by token
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
token required | string non-empty |
{- "token": "SCsCXqTjZDxGtQTxK3uxg7FmjuSwJNJ8"
{- "succes": true,
- "access": {
- "customerId": 1126,
- "adminId": 1096,
- "adminToken": "XXX.YYY.ZZZ",
- "customerToken": "066MZTZEQG1QaHH6qCJJvHtdNNP5TRF2",
- "validUntil": "2022-08-22 09:40:37"
}, - "refreshToken": "XXX",
- "token": "XXX"
Logs in a user by bank id
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
bankIdNameIdentifier required | string |
string <email> |
{- "bankIdNameIdentifier": "1",
- "email": ""
{- "token": "SCsCXqTjZDxGtQTxK3uxg7FmjuSwJNJ8",
- "refreshToken": "XXX"
User sso login.
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
{- "success": true,
- "logoutUrl": "-"
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
code required | string non-empty |
state required | string non-empty |
{- "code": "402",
- "state": "52"
{- "url": "-"
User logout
cookie | string Example: refreshToken=XXX; Domain=localhost; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
{- "success": true,
- "message": "Example message"
Generates new jwt token.
cookie required | string Example: refreshToken=XXX; Domain=localhost; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
expiredToken required | string non-empty |
{- "expiredToken": "SCsCXqTjZDxGtQTxK3uxg7FmjuSwJNJ8"
{- "token": "1",
- "message": "1"
Logs in a user through access token
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
token required | string |
{- "token": "1"
{- "token": "1",
- "refreshToken": "1",
- "success": false
Logs in an admin user
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
email required | string <email> |
password required | string >= 8 characters |
{- "email": "",
- "password": "examplePass123"
{- "message": "Logged in successfully!",
- "token": "XXX.YYY.ZZZ",
- "success": true,
- "authorization": "Bearer XXX",
- "roles": [ ],
- "isToolerAdmin": false,
- "userInfo": {
- "id": 1063,
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "email": ""
Logs in an admin user with permissions to access the shop template editor.
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
email required | string <email> |
password required | string >= 8 characters |
{- "email": "",
- "password": "examplePass123"
{- "message": "Logged in successfully!",
- "token": "1"
Generates new admin jwt token.
cookie required | string Example: refreshToken=XXX; Domain=localhost; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
expiredToken required | string non-empty |
{- "expiredToken": "SCsCXqTjZDxGtQTxK3uxg7FmjuSwJNJ8"
{- "token": "1",
- "message": "1"
User logout
cookie | string Example: refreshToken=XXX; Domain=localhost; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
{- "success": true,
- "message": "Example message"
Returns a list of availability.
productId required | number Example: 1006 |
required | string or string Example: endDate=2060-09-09 |
required | string or string Example: startDate=2060-09-08 |
endTimeId required | number Example: endTimeId=19 |
startTimeId required | number Example: startTimeId=17 |
locationId required | number Example: locationId=4 |
itemRelationsId | number Example: itemRelationsId=6574 |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
[- {
- "product": {
- "id": 1006,
- "productAvailability": 1,
- "price": 649,
- "priceExclVat": 519.2,
- "member": 649,
- "priceFinal": 7182,
- "priceFinalExclVat": 519.2,
- "memberFinal": 7182
}, - "variants": [ ],
- "recommendedAccessories": [ ]
Returns a list of availability.
productIds required | string Example: 1006 |
required | string or string Example: endDate=2060-09-09 |
required | string or string Example: startDate=2060-09-08 |
endTimeId required | number Example: endTimeId=19 |
startTimeId required | number Example: startTimeId=17 |
locationId required | number Example: locationId=4 |
itemRelationsId | number Example: itemRelationsId=6574 |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
[- {
- "product": {
- "id": 1006,
- "productAvailability": 1,
- "price": 649,
- "priceExclVat": 519.2,
- "member": 649,
- "priceFinal": 7182,
- "priceFinalExclVat": 519.2,
- "memberFinal": 7182
}, - "variants": [ ],
- "recommendedAccessories": [ ]
Returns a list of blog-groups.
search | string Example: search=acce Phrase to search for blogs. |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
[- {
- "id": 8,
- "category": "Nyheter",
- "items": [ ],
- "blogs": [ ]
Returns a list of blog-types.
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
[- {
- "id": 10,
- "category": "Nyheter",
- "blogs": [ ]
Returns a single blog.
slug required | string non-empty Example: artikkel-1 |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
{- "name": "Artikkel 1",
- "images": [ ],
- "instructions": "<p style=\"color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 10px; caret-color: #414b5d; font-size: 14px;\">Her har du plass til å fortelle, beskrive eller informere ytterligere. Vi sier som alltid: <br />Unngå veldig lange setninger, vær tydelig og løft frem det viktigste. Prøv å holde deg sånn omtrent til tekstmengden du ser her nå. Og du – husk å slette våre kommentarer og den latinske tulleteksten. </p>\n<p style=\"color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 10px; caret-color: #414b5d; font-size: 14px;\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Inmensae subtilitatis.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Nec dubitamus multa iter quae et nos invenerat. Fabio vel iudice vincam, sunt in culpa qui officia. Idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere.</p>\n<p style=\"color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 10px; caret-color: #414b5d; font-size: 14px;\"> </p>",
- "whatNeeded": "<p style=\"color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 10px; caret-color: #414b5d; font-size: 14px;\">Her har du plass til å beskrive eller informere mer detaljert.<br />Unngå veldig lange setninger, vær tydelig og løft frem det viktigste. Prøv å holde deg sånn omtrent til tekstmengden du ser her nå. Og du – husk å slette våre kommentarer og den latinske tulleteksten. </p>\n<p style=\"color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 10px; caret-color: #414b5d; font-size: 14px;\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Inmensae subtilitatis.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Nec dubitamus multa iter quae et nos invenerat. Fabio vel iudice vincam, sunt in culpa qui officia. Idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere.</p>",
- "difficulty": "Medium",
- "time": "Artikkel 1",
- "summary": {
- "no": "<p style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\">Skriv inn din tekst her. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Inmensae subtilitatis, obscuris et malesuada fames. Morbi fringilla convallis sapien, id pulvinar odio volutpat. Nihilne te nocturnum praesidium Palati, nihil urbis vigiliae.<br style=\\\"font-family: inherit; color: inherit;\\\" />Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Nec dubitamus multa iter quae et nos invenerat. Fabio vel iudice vincam, sunt in culpa qui officia. Idque Caesaris facere voluntate liceret: sese habere. Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? Mercedem aut nummos unde unde extricat, amaras.</p>"
}, - "blogGroups": [ ],
- "suggestedProducts": [ ],
- "photosVideos": [ ],
- "slug": "artikkel-1",
- "metaTitle": "metaTitle",
- "metaDescription": "metaDescription"
Returns a list of popular blog posts.
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
[- {
- "id": 1006,
- "name": "Leieprodukt 2",
- "slug": "leieprodukt-2",
- "images": [ ],
- "note": "<p style=\"color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 10px; caret-color: #414b5d; font-size: 14px;\">Her har du plass til en litt kortere beskrivelse eller forklaring. Unngå veldig lange setninger, vær tydelig og løft frem det viktigste. Prøv å holde deg sånn omtrent til tekstmengden du ser her nå.</p>",
- "metaTitle": "metaTitle",
- "metaDescription": "metaDescription"
Returns a single booking item.
itemRelationsId required | number Example: 6574 |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
{- "startDate": "2060-09-08",
- "endDate": "2060-09-09",
- "startTimeId": 17,
- "endTimeId": 19,
- "startDateTime": "2060-09-08 15:00:00",
- "endDateTime": "2060-09-09 11:00:00",
- "startTimestamp": 1661958000,
- "endTimestamp": 1662634800,
- "locationId": 4,
- "bookingId": 1024,
- "itemRelationsId": 6574,
- "productQuestions": [ ],
- "bookings": [ ],
- "quantity": 1,
- "openEndedState": "1"
Updates a booking item.
bookingItemId required | number Example: 6574 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
quantity required | number |
{- "quantity": 1
{- "success": true
Removes a booking item.
bookingItemId required | number Example: 6574 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
{- "success": true
Changes status of booking.
bookingId required | number Example: 1024 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
statusId required | number |
required | string or string |
{- "statusId": 1,
- "actionTime": "2060-09-08"
{- "bookingId": 1024,
- "statusId": 1,
- "statusName": "returned",
- "statusChangeTime": "22:54 <br> 22 August",
- "movementId": 171,
- "bookingHandoverId": 171,
- "message": "Booking status successfully changed!"
Updates a single booking.
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
bookingId required | number |
itemRelationsId required | number |
productId required | number |
quantity required | number |
required | string or string |
required | string or string |
startTimeId required | number |
endTimeId required | number |
locationId required | number |
required | Array of objects |
prefLanguage required | string non-empty |
productQuestionsInput | any |
openEndedState | any |
customerId | any |
{- "bookingId": 1024,
- "itemRelationsId": 6574,
- "productId": 1006,
- "quantity": 1,
- "startDate": "2060-09-08",
- "endDate": "2060-09-09",
- "startTimeId": 17,
- "endTimeId": 19,
- "locationId": 4,
- "items": [ ],
- "prefLanguage": "no",
- "productQuestionsInput": null,
- "openEndedState": null,
- "customerId": null
{- "orderId": 1018,
- "success": true,
- "totalPrice": 323
Add product to the cart.
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
productId required | number |
quantity required | number |
required | string or string |
required | string or string |
startTimeId required | number |
endTimeId required | number |
locationId required | number |
required | Array of objects |
prefLanguage required | string non-empty |
productQuestionsInput | any |
openEndedState | any |
customerId | any |
{- "productId": 1006,
- "quantity": 1,
- "startDate": "2060-09-08",
- "endDate": "2060-09-09",
- "startTimeId": 17,
- "endTimeId": 19,
- "locationId": 4,
- "items": [ ],
- "prefLanguage": "no",
- "productQuestionsInput": null,
- "openEndedState": null,
- "customerId": null
{- "orderId": 1018,
- "totalPrice": 323,
- "success": true,
- "message": "Example message",
- "error": true
Deletes a single booking.
itemRelationsId required | number Example: 6574 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
{- "success": true,
- "message": "Example message",
- "error": true
productId required | number Example: productId=1005 |
type required | string non-empty Example: type=recommendedAccessory |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
Changes status of booking.
bookingId required | number Example: 1024 |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-admin-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
statusId required | number |
required | string or string |
{- "statusId": 1,
- "actionTime": "2060-09-08"
{- "bookingId": 1024,
- "statusId": 1,
- "statusName": "returned",
- "statusChangeTime": "22:54 <br> 22 August",
- "movementId": 171,
- "bookingHandoverId": 171,
- "message": "Booking status successfully changed!"
Returns a list of active bookings.
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX Add |
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
[- {
- "bookings": [ ]
Returns a list of channel availabilities.
x-sharefox-shop-domain required | string Example: |
locale | string Example: no Language of response messages. The fallback is |
origin | string Example: 1 |
[- {
- "unavailableDays": [ ]